Le Mars, Iowa

Urban beautification programs serve as vibrant cornerstones for both small towns and sprawling cities alike. In our hometown, we revel in the charm of Alley Art, whimsical Ice Cream sculptures, seasonal planters that dazzle the eye, façade enhancements, and a kaleidoscope of delights beyond measure.

Ice Cream Capital of the World Sign on Central

"We wanted to do something that was unique enough that people would go out of their way to see it," Mike Wells said. "We personally believe that Le Mars really has begun to thrive in these last 10 years on creating things that are unique destinations, and we think this sign will be another hallmark of what really defines our community. We're really excited to be able to invest behind that."

Alley Art

The Le Mars Alley Art project began with a 2012 conversation in the Main Street Design Team they saw pictures from other cities and

said, “Why not do that here?” September, 2013, during the annual chalk art festival six artists gave up their chalk on concrete for latex

exterior house paint and outdoor sign boards (Medium Density Overlay or MDO boards) and created the first murals. Currently,

murals are installed on 42 buildings in 9 downtown alleys. 38 local professional artists have contributed artwork. A total of 115 people

have put paint on alley walls, dumpsters and light poles. Total cost to date is $48,000, all private donations. Artist’s fees range from

$100 to $5,000 depending on the size, scope and complexity of the There is no cost to the property owners. Artists range in age from 11 years to much older.

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