Our Purpose: Advocate for a thriving and vibrant community, where people want to live, visit, work and play.

Our Mission: To cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community by promoting economic growth, supporting local businesses, and enhancing quality of life for all.

New Investor Form
Join us in promoting and creating positive growth for the enhancement of Le Mars, Iowa.

Top Investor

Top Investor

Join A Network of Businesses & Organizations
Committed To Helping Each Other Grow

The Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to participate in our efforts to foster positive growth and enhance our community. We are committed to continually improving both business and community life. Your membership investment constitutes 30% of the Chamber’s annual revenue, while an additional 28% is generated through fundraising activities, such as our annual golf outing and Bingo at the Fair. These events also present valuable sponsorship opportunities to promote your business within the community.

We encourage you to join us in our mission to maintain Le Mars as the premier community in Iowa for residents. Enclosed in this packet, you will find further information detailing the benefits of joining the Le Mars Area Chamber of Commerce, along with an application form.

Should you require additional information or wish to discuss any matters, please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber office. We would be happy to visit you, or you are welcome to stop by our office at your convenience.

Chamber Benefits



Network with members, ambassadors and the community at weekly Chamber Coffees, After 5 events, Annual Dinner, Golf Outing, Chamber Ribbon Cuttings and more.


Promote your business through weekly Chamber Coffees, listing on Chamber Website, social media highlights, Newcomer Welcome Baskets, Advertising in Chamber’s Visitor Guide, After 5 Events, Boss and Employee Recognition, special events, Chamber Ribbon Cuttings, Retail Promotions, Chamber Bucks, and more.

Educational Opportunities

Take part in educational opportunities and resources through Ag Education Center/Plymouth County Fair, Student Ag Tours, Lunch and Learn, Professional Development Opportunities and more.


Ask about the Façade Grant information.


Improve the community’s quality of life in Le Mars through administration and sponsorship of Ice Cream Days, Bingo at the Fair, Annual Dinner, Agri-Business Luncheon, Historic and Public Murals, Fiberglass Ice Cream Cones, Alley Art, Pioneer Village, Halloween Events and more.

Exclusive Local Incentives

Select businesses are offering incentives to new members who join the Le Mars Chamber. Offers from the Le Mars Daily Sentinel, Premier Communications, Powell Broadcasting and more.


 The Le Mars Chamber Of Commerce In Action